The Best Queer Spots in Berlin

Here are some of my favourite queer places in Berlin ranging from clubs, to bars to book shops - enjoy!

Schwules Museum 

Shwules Museum is a museum FULL of LGBTQIA art. What more could you want?

Other Nature 

Forget Ann Summers, and sex shops aimed at ~str8 ppl~ Other Nature is a QUEER sex shop selling everything from books on Feminist Porn to Non Latex Condoms. In fact, this isn't just a queer sex shop, it's completely VEGAN, too!

Prinz Eisenherz

So, you're a raging gay with a love for literature? Look no further...


SchwuZ is officially the BEST queer club in Berlin, don't @ me. Popular for catering to ALL colours of the LGBTQIA rainbow, it's impossible to feel out of place here, well, unless you're a cishet white dude. 

Silver Future

Welcoming "kings, queens and criminal queers' Silver Future is a bar with quirky interiors and a lively queer scene.

Most of these places are situated around Kreuzberg (my favourite Berlin district) and Neukolln (the 'hipster' district of Berlin), all are EAST of the river. I assembled a map indicating the location of all 5 places below:

- peace and love, Emily xo

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